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+39 051 69 50 611 info@ilpospa.com

Privacy Policy

In compliance with the directions in matter of personal data protection we wish to inform you that the personal and private data you have provided us are processed by ILPO srl

1) Which data we process?

The data that are necessary for the identification(name, surname, trade name, registered office, address, VAT registration number etc.)and the ones necessary in order to enable a correct professional and trustworthy business contact.

2) How do we collect the data, why we process them?
Data are collected by customers, through telephone, fax or through our website and retained by our offices. Data are collected and filed partially on papers and partially on electronic format, for the following legitimate and express purposes:

  • Aims in compliance with the accomplishment of legal duties, imposed by laws, decrees, regulations and/or other similar acts, and also by the European Community rules (ex.: staff pay and legal treatment, staff selective recruitment and training, accomplishment of accounting and fiscal obligations).
  • Aims functional to the management of customers, suppliers, banks and other relationships (ex.: check the state of the business contacts with customers or team members, fulfil technical and assistance needs of information).
  • The access to the website enables to locate user IP address.

3) Is it compulsory to give data, what happens if they are not given?

It is legally binding to give the required personal data, necessary to fulfil aim nr.1 (obligations due to Italian and European Community laws) and the refusal to supply them will lead to the impossibility to set up business contacts with ILPO srl. It is not compulsory to supply personal data in relation to aim nr.2 (ordinary management) but the deny to provide them can lead to the impossibility to fulfil one or more of the agreed services or to the impossibility to agree new contracts.

4) To whom must the data be transmitted, which is the area of their diffusion?

It is sometimes necessary, during the accounting and fiscal operations, to communicate some of the gathered data (ex.: banks, business consultant, external consultants, government offices). A list of the names of such subjects is available by our offices. The diffusion is nation wide.
ILPO srl undertake not to spread or advertise any of the information that concern them for commercial purposes nor to sell, share or give their database.
Obviously they answer to the Judiciary Authority, cooperate in legal procedures and carry out orders given by Surveillance and Inspection Authorities.

5) Which are your rights, how to assert them?

n order to assert your rights you can contact any of our offices, as indicated in our website, by any means (e-mail, fax, letter).
In relation to your personal data processing you have the right to:

  • know in any moment which of your personal data are retained by us and how they are used.
  • update, complete, amend or cancel these data
  • ask to stop the processing of them by sending a request according to this, by any means (fax, e-mail, letter) to ILPO srl, Via Friuli 1 – località Osteria Grande – 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna) Italy – Tel. +39 051 69 50 611 – Email: info@pecilpospa.com

You can give written proxy or power to a person or an association in order to assert these rights.

6) Who actually processes the data, who’s the owner of them?

Each professional part of our group has the function of owner of the data processing for the customer for which he takes care. Every request must, anyway, be addressed to ILPO srl by the offices in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna) – Italy.

ILPO srl